Marriage Enrichment

Marriage Enrichment For married couples, second only to our relationship to God, our relationship to our spouse is the most important priority in in our life. It is also the key to our happiness and sense of fulfillment in our vocation to married life. In fact, researchers have shown that on a purely human level, happily married couples have stronger immune systems and live healthier longer lives. The Domestic Church There is also an important spiritual dimension to marriages. Families formed through marriage are understood to be the Domestic Church . For married couples, the family is the spiritual center of their lives together. Parish Activities For more information on these parish activities please contact Deacon Scott McKellar Finding Joy in Your Marriage: Understanding, strengthening, and repairing your relationship. A Twelve-Week Couple Journey (January - March 2021) Light-Life/Domestic Church Movement Light+Life Retreat and formation process. (S...